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Shipwreck Rats is a pirate speed folk band based in Berlin. We play fast and evil music from Scotland, Ireland, North America and all the other places we’ve plundered in our time. We have a lot of songs about current themes like whaling and trouserlessness. Anyone refusing to dance at our gigs will be made to walk the plank!

Murder & Magick

Our new album Murder & Magick is now available on all the large streaming platforms! This includes Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, Deezer, YouTube Music etc. Check it out and let us know what your think!


We have also started a Patreon page to keep the boat afloat, so to speak. At the moment, our patrons are able to download all our published music for free - including the new album - and we publish regular live recordings of our favourite folk songs. If you would like to get on board, the button below will take you to our page.