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Shipwreck Rats

Shipwreck Rats is a Berlin based folk band consisting of:

Daren Stieglitz (USA) - lead vocals, guitar, mandolin, harmonica
Anna Sigurdsson (Sweden) - fiddle, backing vocals
Liam Ward (Scotland) - bass, guitar, backing vocals

Over the years we have played a variety of different types of venues and events, including pubs, clubsfestivals, weddings and private events in Germany and abroad. 

We have a wide repertoire of traditional songs and tunes from Ireland, Scotland and North America as well as a few originals, which we perform with great enthusiasm in our energetic pirate speedfolk style. We are always happy to adapt our long and varied set list and the length of the performance to fit your event and to keep everyone's feet tapping.

If you would like to book us for a gig or event, please use our contact form or send us an email at - we will be in touch to answer your questions and provide you with further details. We're looking forward to hearing from you!



Glauchau 2018

Lost in Glauchau

A Story of Remarkable Bravery and Navigation Skills